Well, now that the initial meeting is finished and your web designer has had some time put some thoughts together, it’s time for the second meeting.
During the second meeting the initial design will be reviewed and will begin to be refined. Now that both of you have had some time to think about what was discussed, it’s time to start to think about things like the number of pages, navigation scheme, and color schemes. We will focus on the number of pages in this blog post.
Typical websites have a Home page, an About page, and a Contact page. This is the bare bones starting point. If your website is going to be a Blog, then you will need a Blog page. If you are a small business, you will want a Portfolio page to show you work. These will be the top level layout.
As the layout begins to take focus consider if you need sub-pages showing additional information under each main page of the layout. For example, your About page may have categories of information you feel is important to make visitors aware of. A small business may have different services or products they offer attached to the Portfolio page. Non-profit organizations my want a Photos page showing pictures of different categories of events. The possibilities are open ended and just depends on the vision for the website.